Don’t settle for less. Nemann Law Offices offer each client the expert Ohio criminal charge defense he or she needs. Adam Nemann, well known throughout the state for his successes, handles all types of criminal charges including sex crimes, DUI/OVI, violent crimes and white-collar crimes in Ohio. His reputation for protecting the constitutional rights of every client is well deserved.
Ohio law is both tough and unforgiving when it comes to operating a vehicle impaired (OVI), and being convicted of an Ohio OVI charge can result in serious consequences. Extended jail time, loss of driving privileges and fees and fines are all very real possibilities. Don’t take chances. Visit this page to learn more and get your defense started.
Personal Injury/Motor Vehicle Accidents
Drug Offenses
At Nemann Law Offices, we handle all types of drug offenses. Were you pulled over for a traffic violation and arrested because narcotics were found in your car? No matter what scenario led to your arrest, or even if you are simply under investigation by law enforcement and no charges have been filed against you yet, it is important to make certain your rights are protected. Our attorneys can defend you against drug offenses at the state and federal level.
Gun Charges
In many cases, gun charges are not standalone charges. They often come with other charges, so it is critical that you choose an experienced lawyer who can carefully assess the severity of all charges and attack the most severe first, doing everything possible to minimize the impact the charges will have on your life and your future.
White Collar Crimes/Theft
If you are charged with Ohio white collar/theft crimes, attorney Adam Nemann offers an aggressive, experienced defense aimed at reducing or eliminating the charges and penalties you face. With over ten years experience in criminal law and an impressive track record, Nemann Law Offices in Columbus has the reputation for success. Visit this page to find out what Adam Nemann can do for you or someone you love.
Federal Courts
Federal criminal charges can result in serious penalties, sometimes involving mandatory sentencing upon conviction. If you are convicted of a violent federal offense, you could face sentences as harsh as life in prison. When you are facing federal charges for a violent crime, it is important to take immediate action to protect your rights. At Nemann Law Offices, we provide experienced representation to clients charged with federal offenses.
Juvenile Defense
Nemann Law Office provides free consultation to juvenlies charged with criminal offenses. It is extremely important that counsel be involved at the first sign that a criminal case may be under investigation, or if charges have already been filed.
Mayor's Court
The rules of procedure in Mayor's Courts are not the same as in municipal courts. The attorney you should choose should understand the nuances of this court. We know the rules, and we are familiar with the prosecutors and magistrates who practice in these courts. We can help you with your DUI charge, traffic offense or other misdemeanor in Mayor's Court.
Sex Crimes
An Ohio sex crime conviction can haunt you the rest of your life. So, if you or someone you love is accused with this type of offense, the first thing to do is consult a top Columbus sex crime defense attorney. Visit this page to find out more about how you can protect your rights and get the best outcome possible.
Violent Crimes
Columbus criminal defense attorney Adam Nemann is known for his aggressive defense of Ohio violent crime charges. While it may seem as if an arrest is the end of the road, Nemann’s successful record defending against violent crimes speaks for itself. Visit this page to see just what can be done to defend you or someone you love against an Ohio violent crime charge.
Police Misconduct
Police misconduct refers to inappropriate conduct and or illegal actions taken by police officers in connection with their official duties. Police misconduct can lead to a miscarriage of justice and sometimes involves discrimination and or illegal motives of segregation combined as obstruction of justice. In an effort to control police misconduct, there is an accelerating trend for civilian agencies to go beyond review to engage directly in investigations and to have much greater input into disciplinary decisions. In addition, individuals and groups are now filming police in an effort to force police to become accountable for their actions and for their inactions. With the proliferation of mobile devices capable of recording alleged misconduct, police misconduct and abuse is now receiving publicity on social media and on websites including YouTube. In response, police often try to intimidate citizens to prevent them from using cameras. In other circumstances, police will illegally seize or delete evidence recorded by citizens, notwithstanding laws that make it a crime to destroy evidence of a crime being committed, irrespective of whether the crime is committed by civilians or by the police.
Types of misconduct include coerced false confession, intimidation, false arrest, false imprisonment, falsification of evidence, spoliation of evidence, police perjury, witness tampering, police brutality, tasering, police corruption, racial profiling, unwarranted surveillance, unwarranted searches, and unwarranted seizure of property. Others include:
- Bribing or lobbying legislators to pass or maintain laws that give police excessive power or status
- Similarly, bribing or lobbying city council members to pass or maintain municipal laws that make victim-less acts tickettable (e.g. bicycling on the sidewalk), so as to get more money
- Selective enforcement ("throwing the book at" people who one dislikes; this is often related to racial discrimination)
- Sexual misconduct
- Off-duty misconduct
- Killing of dogs unjustly
- Noble cause corruption, where the officer believes the good outcomes justify bad behavior
- Using badge or other ID to gain entry into concerts, to get discounts, etc.
- Influence of drugs or alcohol while on duty
- Violations by officers of police procedural policies
Police officers often share a "blue code of silence", which means that they do not turn each other in for misconduct. While some officers have called this code a myth, a 2005 survey found evidence that it exists.
Mistakes happen to everyone in every area of life. Even in criminal trials. Whether you have entered a plea, or been convicted by a judge or jury, you still have a direct right to an appeal. If you feel that you were not properly represented, or that you did not receive the protections afforded to you by the United States and Ohio Constitutions, then you should appeal.
As of September, 2012, Ohio's Expungement law has changed to allow a broader range of criminal convictions to be expunged, and sealed from public view. Nemann Law Offices is already preparing numerous motions on behalf of clients, and has had likely one of the first such motions granted, less than two weeks after the law's change.
Judicial Release
Judicial Release, formerly known as "shock probation," is a way to get an imprisoned person out before their release date. The individual is released from jail and the remainder of their sentence is converted to probation. In September of 2011, Ohio House Bill 86 eased the eligibility requirements for those that are incarcerated.